Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31st Celebrations on record

Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day!

For all those Retirees that were part of the Social Security System, Appreciate Your Social Security Check Today!

Backwards Day!

Do everything backwards or sdrawkcab today. Wear your outfit backwards and if you can, talk and write backwards. Go to bed in the morning and start working in the evening, have dinner in the morning and breakfast in the evening, and have dessert first during all your meals. Talk to people with your back towards them. Say goodbye to people when you meet them, and hello when you depart.

Street Children’s Day

Brandy Alexander Day!

If you haven't tasted this delicious cocktail yet, you have to do it today.

Eat Brussel Sprouts Day!

The name says it all. Eat some Brussel Sprouts today. Find a hungry Man and feed him some Brussel Sprouts before you swallow his cock and then his load of creamy cum.

Hell is Freezing Over Day!

If you say that something will happen when hell freezes over, you mean that it will never happen.
This is the word of the day. Count how many times you hear people say this phase today.
Then go to your local Adult Video Arcade and suck as many cocks until ‘Hell Freezes Over’

Hug an Economist Day!

Inspire Your Heart with Art Day!

Today we celebrate art and recognize that it affects our “heart” (emotions).
Remember, the word “art” comprises more than just drawings, paintings, and sculpture. It includes music and literature, installation art and multi-media presentations, glassblowing and quilt making and jewelry making and other “crafts,” dance and drama and other performing arts. And much, much more!
Today, try to find time to go to a gallery, watch a performance, or make some art.

National Hot Chocolate Day!

Scotch Tape Day!

JANUARY 31  is a full day of celebrations
Take the time to go and celebrate with a Man you have never celebrated with.

Have some damn good sex!

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